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I <3 Visual Collaboration and So Should You

To be honest. We like pretty pictures. It’s not our fault. We process visual data better. It’s the way our brain works.

We are wired to communicate, learn, and share visually. It improves recognition and recall and helps us gain clarity, reinforce understanding, and learn new things.

It’s no wonder that the evolution of working together better, gravitates toward visual exploration. Afterall, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Once, collaboration relied heavily on face-to-face meetings, but technology has changed all that. With the ubiquity of the internet and an increasingly global workplace, face-to-face meetings have moved to telephone calls, sharing documents via fax machine to email, and video conferencing to virtual workspaces.

Today, virtual workspaces bring together people, content, and time and provide an environment for visual collaboration wherever you are. You can collaborate together in a persistent virtual workspace using your preferred tools, files, and devices to create better. You can share documents, capture meeting notes, and chat about next steps. The virtual workspace provides the structure and flexible framework for ideas to grow in an organic and holistic way.

Visual collaboration lets us work together naturally to see and edit designs, brainstorm, review mockups, share feedback, and make collective decisions. Among its benefits, visual collaboration delivers information in the way our brains want to process it, helps us think faster, focus better, stay engaged, and remember more.

It also lets us harness the power of many to capitalize on the magic that happens when people come together to achieve more than one person can on their own. It is the co-creation of shared outcomes that are richer than they would be otherwise because people respond to learning and insight during the process itself.

Technology alone can not solve problems and create value without people. People are the most important aspect of collaboration.

Jennifer Rumold